Terms of Use

These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") set forth the conditions for the use of the services (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") provided on this website by "ZUTTO NZ" (hereinafter referred to as "the Site"). Registered users (hereinafter referred to as "Users") shall use the Service in accordance with these Terms.

Article 1 (Application)

  1. These Terms shall apply to all relationships related to the use of the Service between the User and the Site.
  2. In addition to these Terms, the Site may establish various rules and regulations for the use of the Service (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Provisions"). These Individual Provisions, regardless of their names, shall constitute a part of these Terms.
  3. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of these Terms and the Individual Provisions mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the Individual Provisions shall prevail unless otherwise specified in the Individual Provisions.

Article 2 (User Registration)

Some features of the Service can be used without user registration, but membership user registration is required to use all features.

  1. In the Service, a person who wishes to use the Service (hereinafter referred to as "Applicant") shall agree to these Terms, provide certain information (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Information") as prescribed by the Site, and apply for user registration by providing this information to the Site in the manner specified by the Site. User registration is completed when the Site approves the application.
  2. The Site may refuse registration or re-registration if the Applicant falls under any of the following circumstances, and the Site is not obligated to disclose any reasons:
    1. If there is any falsehood, error, or omission in all or part of the Registration Information provided to the Site.
    2. If the Applicant is an anti-social force (meaning organized crime groups, organized crime group members, right-wing groups, anti-social forces, or any other equivalent persons).
    3. If the Applicant has violated any agreement with the Site in the past or is related to such a person.
    4. If the Site otherwise determines that registration is not appropriate.
  3. If a user violates these Terms, the Site may, without any notice to the user, restrict the use of part or all of the Service or cancel the user's membership registration, and refuse any further use of the Service. The Site is not obligated to disclose any reasons for this, and the Site is not responsible for any damages incurred by the user or any third party due to the refusal of Service use.

Article 3 (Management of User ID and Password)

  1. Users shall manage and store their User ID and password related to the Service under their own responsibility.
  2. Users shall not transfer, lend, or share their User ID and password with any third party under any circumstances. The Site will consider any login made using a combination of User ID and password that matches the registered information as use by the user who registered that User ID.
  3. Users are responsible for managing their registered information, and the Site is not responsible for any disadvantages or damages incurred by users due to inaccurate or false registered information.
  4. Users are responsible for any damages resulting from inadequate management, misuse, or use by third parties of their User ID or password.
  5. Users shall compensate the Site and third parties for any damages caused by the unauthorized use of their registered information.
  6. If a User ID or password is known to a third party or suspected of being used by a third party, users shall immediately notify the Site and follow any instructions given by the Site.
  7. Users are obligated to change their password periodically, and the Site is not responsible for any damages caused by the failure to fulfill this obligation.
  8. Users must log out when temporarily ending the use of the Service after logging in. The Site is not responsible for any damages resulting from the leakage of User ID and password.

Article 4 (Fees and Payment Methods)

  1. Users shall pay the usage fees for the paid portions of the Service as separately determined by the Site and displayed on this website, using the method specified by the Site.
  2. If a user delays the payment of the usage fees, the user shall pay late damages at a rate of 14.6% per annum.

Article 5 (Prohibited Acts)

  1. Users shall not engage in any of the following acts when using the Service, or any acts that the Site deems to fall under any of the following:
    1. Acts that violate laws or are related to criminal acts, and any acts that encourage crimes.
    2. Acts that violate or are likely to violate laws or public order and morals.
    3. Acts that may interfere with the operation of the Site’s services.
    4. Collecting or accumulating personal information, etc., about other users.
    5. Unauthorized access or attempts at unauthorized access.
    6. Impersonating other users.
    7. Directly or indirectly providing benefits to anti-social forces in connection with the Site's services.
    8. Acts that cause economic damage to the Site or third parties.
    9. Acts of fraud or threats against the Site, other users of the Service, or third parties.
    10. Acts that infringe or are likely to infringe the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy, honor, or other rights or interests of the Site, other users of the Service, or third parties.
    11. Acts that destroy or interfere with the functions of the servers or networks of the Site, other users of the Service, or third parties.
    12. Use or inducement of computer viruses or harmful programs.
    13. Acts that place an excessive burden on the infrastructure facilities of the Service.
    14. Attacking the servers, systems, or security of the Site.
    15. Attempting to access the Service by any method other than the interface provided by the Site.
    16. Soliciting or advertising related to multi-level marketing, pyramid schemes, or network businesses.
    17. Posting or transmitting content on the Service that includes or is judged by the Site to include the following expressions:
      1. Excessively violent expressions.
      2. Explicit sexual expressions.
      3. Expressions that lead to discrimination based on race, nationality, creed, gender, social status, family origin, etc.
      4. Expressions that induce or encourage suicide, self-harm, or drug abuse.
      5. Other anti-social content that makes others uncomfortable.
    18. Acts with the purpose, or judged by the Site to have the purpose, of the following:
      1. Business activities, advertising, promotion, solicitation, or other commercial purposes (excluding those approved by the Site).
      2. Acts for the purpose of sexual or obscene behavior.
      3. Acts for the purpose of meeting or associating with an unfamiliar opposite sex.
      4. Acts for the purpose of harassment or slander against other users.
      5. Acts for the purpose of giving disadvantage, damage, or discomfort to the Site, other users of the Service, or third parties.
      6. Other acts that use the Service for purposes different from the intended use of the Service.
      7. Religious activities or solicitation to religious groups.
    19. Other acts that the Site deems inappropriate.

Article 6 (Suspension of Provision of the Service, etc.)

  1. The Site may suspend or interrupt the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the user if the Site determines that any of the following reasons exist:
    1. When performing maintenance inspections or updates of the computer system related to the Service.
    2. In the event of a system failure related to the Service.
    3. If the computer or communication lines, etc., are stopped due to an accident.
    4. When it becomes difficult to provide the Service due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fires, power outages, natural disasters, human-made disasters, etc.
    5. Other cases where the Site determines that it is difficult to provide the Service.
  2. The Site shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the user or any third party due to the suspension or interruption of the provision of the Service.

Article 7 (Usage Restrictions and Deregistration, etc.)

  1. The Site may delete or hide posted data without prior notice or demand, temporarily restrict the use of all or part of the Service for the user, or deregister the user if the user falls under any of the following:
    1. If the user violates any provision of these Terms.
    2. If it is found that there is a false fact in the registration information.
    3. If the credit card reported by the user as a payment method is suspended or if there is a default in the payment of fees, etc.
    4. If there is no response from the user for a certain period to communications from the Site.
    5. If there is no use of the Service for a certain period since the last use.
    6. Other cases where the Site determines that the use of the Service is inappropriate.
  2. If any of the above applies, the user will lose the benefit of time for all debts owed to the Site and must immediately pay all debts to the Site.
  3. The Site shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user due to actions taken by the Site under this Article.

Article 8 (Copyright)

  1. All intellectual property rights related to the Site and the Service belong to the Site or those who have granted licenses to the Site, and the permission to use the Service under these Terms does not imply the granting of any intellectual property rights related to the Site or the Service from the Site or those who have granted licenses to the Site.
  2. Users may only use, post, or upload text, images, videos, and other information for which they own the necessary intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, or have obtained permission from the necessary rights holders.
  3. The copyrights to texts, images, videos, etc., that users post or upload using the Service shall remain with the users or other existing rights holders. However, the Site may use texts, images, videos, etc., posted or uploaded using the Service within the necessary scope for improving the Service, enhancing quality, correcting deficiencies, or promoting the Service, and users shall not exercise their moral rights of authorship concerning this use.
  4. Except as provided in the preceding paragraph, all copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to the Service and all related information belong to the Site or the users who have granted permission for their use to the Site, and third parties shall not reproduce, transfer, lend, translate, modify, reprint, publicly transmit (including making it available for transmission), transmit, distribute, publish, or use it for business without prior consent from the Site.

Article 9 (Withdrawal)

Users may withdraw from the Service according to the withdrawal procedures specified by the Site.

Article 10 (Changes to Service Content, etc.)

The Site may change, add, or discontinue the content of the Service with prior notice to users, and users shall agree to this.

Article 11 (Changes to the Terms of Use)

  1. The Site may revise the contents of these Terms at any time without obtaining the user's consent, and users shall accept this without objection.
  2. If these Terms are changed, the Site will notify users on the website, and all matters related to the Site shall be governed by the revised Terms.

Article 12 (Handling of Personal Information)

The Site shall appropriately handle personal information obtained through the use of the Service in accordance with the Site's "Privacy Policy."

Article 13 (Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability)

  1. The Site does not warrant, explicitly or implicitly, that the Service is free from actual or legal defects (including defects, errors, bugs, and infringements related to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, fitness for a particular purpose, security, etc.).
  2. The Site shall not be liable for any damages arising from changes, interruptions, or termination of the Service.
  3. The Site is not involved in the user's usage environment for the Service and assumes no responsibility.
  4. The Site does not guarantee that the Service is compatible with all information terminals, and users acknowledge in advance that the operation of the Service may experience issues due to OS upgrades of information terminals used for the Service. The Site does not guarantee that such issues will be resolved through modifications of the program by the Site.
  5. The Site assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage related to the materials uploaded to the Service, including images and text, and any associated data. Users are responsible for creating and maintaining their own backups of such data.
  6. The Site shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user arising from the Service, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence by the Site.
  7. The Site shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the user arising from special circumstances (including cases where the Site or the user could have foreseen the occurrence of damages) due to breach of obligations or torts by the Site (excluding gross negligence).
  8. The Site's liability for damages incurred by the user in connection with the Service is limited to the amount of the usage fee received from the user in the month in which the damage occurred, and the Site shall not be liable for any amount exceeding the compensation paid by the user to the Site. The Site shall not be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, future damages, or lost profits.
  9. The Site shall not be liable for any transactions, communications, or disputes between users and other users or third parties in connection with the Service.
  10. The Site strives to provide accurate information (including information on linked sites) to the extent possible, but does not guarantee the accuracy or safety of the provided information. The information is current as of the time it is provided and may change or be updated, and the Site does not guarantee completeness, accuracy, or safety.
  11. The Site assumes no responsibility for any damages arising from the content posted on the Site.

Article 14 (Advertising)

Users understand and agree that the Service may include various advertisements and that the Site or its partners may display any advertisements. The format and scope of advertisements on the Service are subject to change at any time by the Site.

Article 15 (Notices and Communications)

Notices or communications between users and the Site shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by the Site. Unless the user has submitted a change notification in a manner separately determined by the Site, the Site will assume that the currently registered contact information is valid and send notices or communications to that contact information. These notices or communications shall be deemed to have reached the user at the time of transmission.

Article 16 (Transfer of Service Use Contract Status, etc.)

  1. Users may not transfer, assign, set collateral for, or otherwise dispose of their status under the service use contract or their rights or obligations under these Terms to any third party without prior written consent from the Site.
  2. If the Site transfers the business related to the Service to another company, the Site may transfer its status under the service use contract, rights and obligations under these Terms, and registered information and other customer information of registered users to the transferee of the business transfer. Users shall be deemed to have agreed to such transfer in advance under this clause. The business transfer mentioned in this clause includes not only ordinary business transfers but also any cases where the business is transferred, such as through company splits or other means.

Article 17 (Prohibition of Assignment of Rights and Obligations)

Users may not transfer or provide as collateral their status under the service use contract or their rights or obligations under these Terms to any third party without prior written consent from the Site.

Article 18 (Severability)

Even if any provision of these Terms or a part thereof is found to be invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws and regulations, the remaining provisions of these Terms and the remaining parts of the provisions judged to be invalid or unenforceable shall continue to be fully effective.

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between the user and the Site regarding the use of the Service and supersede any prior agreements or understandings.